The sky was the most beautiful blue today, wasn't it?! 

Especially when, while wandering among the king and queen's minstrels,
ladies and gentlemen in waiting, beefeater guards, and other oddly dressed
and acting folk, we looked up and sighted one of the most beautiful things
in all bird-dom: A flight of 25-35 White Pelicans with their black wing-tips
flashing in the sun. There were other ooh's and aah's, so others in the
vicinity saw them too! 

Another bird was soaring with the flock; it was dark and had just as large a
wing-span with a flat soaring flight, so I'm guessing it was an immature
Bald Eagle. If you stand still and look up too long though, someone will run
into you... 

I saw 2 other adult eagles during the day. I was watching one during a
comedy show; you know the kind, where you get singled out to "help" in some
way? So I tried to stay incognito as I looked up - then I remembered! I had
my sunglasses on, so they couldn't really tell what I was looking at!! Whew,
that was a close one...

Holly Peirson
Columbus, SE Anoka Co.

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