9:30am - 1:30pm
Freedom Park overlook
with Bruce Fall

Very slow migration until about 11:30am, at which time south winds picked up. 
Most of the white-fronts were seen in the last 1.5 hours.  Overall, non-eagle 
raptor migration has been surprisingly poor the past 3 days. All seen in 
Minnesota airspace except Merlin. Highlights from my count included:

Cackling Geese - 32
White-fronted Geese - 1,016 (in about 20 groups)
Snow Geese - 20
Tundra Swan - 15 
Bald Eagle - 116
Red-shouldered Hawk - 3
Sharp-shinned Hawk - 3
Red-tailed Hawk - 13
Merlin - 1
Sandhill Crane - 8

Many Eastern Bluebirds, gulls and blackbirds/grackles migrating as well. 

Jim Mattsson

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