Hi All, I observed the purple sandpiper on Sunday from about 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. I approached the wetland from the south (Hwy. 12) along 230th and drove slowly watching the edge of the road, which is rip-rapped, and at nearly the same elevation as the water for quite a distance. I was more than 3/4 of the way across this likely-looking spot before I saw the bird. It was feeding on the east (right) side of the road, as wind was fiercely blowing out of the northwest, and some of the larger rocks provided it with a small bit of protection, I think. It fed voraciously the entire time I watched it. Although the wind made it bitter, the sun was shining overhead and it was beautiful light. I took a lot of photos and will upload the best one to Recently Seen as soon as I can find my password... While I was there, only one other birder joined me, Cindy Barstad, from Brookings, SD. Was fun to be able to share such a rare treat with someone else. Thanks again to Denny and Barb Martin for reporting this bird! It was a lifer for me, and I haven't had one for quite a while! Betsy Beneke Sartell, Stearns County
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