A couple of changes have been made to the Query Database function.
  a.. Allow start date and end date with the year ignored. 
  b.. sort of dayofyear that uses MONTH,DAY as the sort instead of julian date 
  c.. allow multiple species selection with individual species or a range of 
  d.. allow multiple county selections.
  e.. Edit records must now be checked to change records
  f.. The Initials field can now be filled with firstname lastname and the 
field will autofill
  g.. File (xls) output is now an Excel file
  h.. The page "remembers" most of the fields so if you display something and 
hit "back" you don't have to select the fields a second time.
The changes have been made as a response to requests from several birders (and 
because it was fun to do).
  a.. Bruce Fall wanted to display species from various years, sorted by month, 
  b.. Tom Tustison indicated the sort that used "day of year" used the julian 
date and had a different month, day for a julian date that occurred on a leap 
  c.. Anthony Hertzel suggested that he wanted to display several species or a 
range of species.
  d.. Bob Williams suggested that multiple counties should be selected so he 
could look at what county birds were recently seen in several counties that he 
was going to travel through.
  e.. The edit records feature was in the original Query function, but was 
  f.. The autocomplete function for a birders name was added since I had 
trouble finding the initials
  g.. Bob Janssen didn't like the column spacing on output that went to a file.
If you use this page and have problems or comments, please let me know.

David Cahlander da...@cahlander.com Burnsville, MN 952-894-5910

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