If the weather holds, Sax-Zim festival-goers should be in for especially
nice birding this year! After enjoying Sunday, a Greater Black-backed Gull,
which stood up at the outer end of the Duluth canal breakwater, we headed
up Homestead Road toward Knife River Road, in search of Bohemian Waxwings.
About 1/4 mile south of Clover Valley Road, a flock of over 60 of them,
perched right on the side of Homestead Road, some of them descending from a
deciduous tree down into the shrubs at eye-height, giving fabulous looks.
There was another, smaller flock along Knife River Road, just near the
intersection as well. That , and the good road conditions, made us hopeful
for Bog sightings.
We were not disappointed, as Monday birding gave ample color and song:
Purple Finches, Gold Finches, Pine Siskins, Common Redpolls, Pine
Grosbeaks, Evening Grosbeaks, and White-winged Crossbills. As to be
expected, we missed many of the other Bog specials; we rarely get to see
all of them in one day. That, however, makes the perfect excuse for our
regular repeat visits to enjoy this lovely, wild habitat!
Many thanks to all of you who maintain the Welcome Center and the various
feeders, to all the patient and welcoming residents, and to anyone who
supports the preservation of the Bog.
Linda Whyte

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