Sax Zim area. 

Yesterday, in the rain, I sat in my car between the two feeders on Admiral Road 
and thought I was in Chickadee heaven. There were about 30 black capped 
Chickadees, flying in to get seeds and out, to perch on branches and eat the 
seeds. Add Red-breasted Nuthatches plus Downy and Hairy woodpeckers and I 
thought my day complete. Then a Boreal Chickadee flew to the suet feeder! It 
was a lifer for me! What a beautiful bird!
Also there was a Northern Hawk Owl, on County Road 7 by Stone Lake Road. 

On Stony River Forest Road in Lake County, I watched a male Ruffed Grouse, 
displaying for 3 females, also lifers. Stony was a white knuckle ride in my 
Toyota Camry, so I did not dare turning on to Whyte Road.

Curt Rawn

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