This evening I chased a Cinnamon Teal found by Peter Nichols at Hazen Mooers 
open space in Washington County. (Note: The bird shows some hybridization 
characteristics.) The Teal was within just feet at times to the pair of Mute 
Swans at this location.

After that though I hiked into Grey Cloud Dunes SNA from the north parking lot 
off of Hadley Avenue just a mile away. At the railroad underpass area at the 
bottom of the hill I found a 2nd County record Say's Phoebe feeding actively 
along the railroad berm. It appears from my Facebook post earlier that at least 
one person also saw the bird around 6:30PM in the same area.

This is a hilly hike for anyone thinking of chasing tomorrow.

Location: (44.7932782, -92.9637313)

General information and guidelines for posting:

During the pandemic, the MOU encourages you to stay safe, practice social 
distancing, and continue to bird responsibly.

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