There was a lot of hawk and eagle activity on the Sherburne National Wildlife 
Refuge the last couple of days - with no fewer than 4 rough-legged hawks seen 
yesterday alone.  Near the intersection of CR's 9 and 5 there were two birds - 
one very light in color and one very dark in color.  A third bird was near the 
Blue Hill Trail parking area, and a 4th bird closer to the CR 5 and 3 
intersection.  Also lots of red-tails and at least four red-shouldered.  The 
pair that overwintered on the south end of Little Elk Lake along CR 1 were 
there again yesterday.  Two more were seen near the end of our maintenance 
facility driveway on CR 3.  In the nearly 3 years that I've been working at 
Sherburne, I've noticed that there seems to be a corridor for hawk migration 
along the west side of CR 5, especially between the entrance to the wildlife 
drive and the CR 3/CR 22 intersection.

But the most exciting sighting was yesterday afternoon about 4:00 p.m., when I 
was headed home, a northern goshawk flew right over my car and the Santiago 
general store at the intersection of CRs 11 and 3.

Lots of tundra swans were migrating yesterday, with flocks seen over the refuge 
between noon and 3 pm, and a few flocks landed in croplands on the NW end of 
the refuge, and also along CR 3 west of Santiago.

Betsy Beneke
Sherburne NWR

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