[mou-net] Sherburne birds and field trip invitation

2014-06-04 Thread Betsy Beneke
What a beautiful morning it was on the refuge! Mosquitos not horrible, slight breeze, warm, not humid. I had 73 species - nothing out of the ordinary, just a wonderful morning to be out. *BIRD NOTES* Birds are nesting and hollering all over the place, despite super-high water levels and some obv

[mou-net] Sherburne Birds & Tour

2013-08-29 Thread Betsy Beneke
There was a nice collection of the common raptors and a few mi Hi All, There was a nice collection of the common raptors and a few migrant songbirds on the Prairie's Edge Wildlife Drive today.  Thrashers, catbirds and a variety of sparrows were joined by chestnut-sided, black and white, mourning

[mou-net] Sherburne Birds

2013-07-31 Thread Betsy Beneke
A quick loop around the Prairie's Edge Wildlife Drive this morning showed a lot of bird activity.  Young birds begging and flying around, or sitting on the road, gathering swallows and blackbirds in small flocks.  Quite a few birds were still singing, including orioles, grosbeak, towhee, clay-co

[mou-net] Sherburne birds & classroom bldg.

2013-06-03 Thread Betsy Beneke
There was a nice collection of birds seen on Saturday by our bird tour group, and a few more on Sunday.  A common gallinule was seen and heard calling early on Sunday morning from the traditional spot on Big Bluestem Pool.  A Henslow's sparrow was near the beginning of the Prairie Trail on the P

[mou-net] Sherburne Birds

2013-05-06 Thread Betsy Beneke
A rose-breasted grosbeak is visiting the refuge headquarters feeder today.   Pine warbler is new today.  Also seen were black and white, orange-crowned, Nashville, yellow and yellow-rumped. There were two lark sparrows singing on territory on the Orrock Town Hall Road, just off CR 4, east of Or

[mou-net] Sherburne birds

2013-04-16 Thread Betsy Beneke
Three great egrets just landed by the river here at our refuge headquarters.   Cool!  Also have up to 6 fox sparrows at the feeder.  Yellow-rumped warblers yesterday and this morning.  Brown creepers in the yard last Thursday and again today.  A volunteer heard and saw greater yellowlegs flying o

[mou-net] Sherburne Birds

2013-01-23 Thread Betsy Beneke
Chickadees are beginning to sing their spring song now with lengthening days.   A single robin flew in to the HQ feeding area yesterday, checking out the action.  Our biology staff was out last week checking bald eagle nests, and 5 of the 10 nests that have been active in recent years had pairs o

[mou-net] Sherburne birds - Saturday tour

2012-05-11 Thread Betsy Beneke
I spent about 2 hours early this morning on the Prairie's Edge Wildlife Drive and tallied 81 species.  I found very few migrant songbirds, most sightings were birds that breed here.  Areas that were alive with migrants on Monday were very quiet this morning.  No cormorants were present.   I foun

[mou-net] Sherburne birds

2011-11-21 Thread Betsy Beneke
There's a fox sparrow too! Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

[mou-net] Sherburne birds & wildlife drive

2011-11-21 Thread Betsy Beneke
Hi All,   The Prairie's Edge Wildlife Drive at Sherburne NWR remains open.  It seems we had quite a few visitors during the storm last Saturday - both people and birds.  One of our roving interpreters noted a great horned owl at the back side of the drive near Stickney Pool, and a pair of bald e

[mou-net] Sherburne birds

2011-11-09 Thread Betsy Beneke
Two tree swallows were flying up and down the river outside HQ again this morning.  Maybe they don't know which direction to go?   Rusty blackbirds still here, along with a few red-winged.  Lots of goldfinches today, and about 6 purple finches.   Northern shrike has been chasing birds around the

[mou-net] Sherburne birds

2011-11-04 Thread Betsy Beneke
Lots of American tree sparrows around the refuge today.  Several northern shrikes are being seen along county roads in the area.  At the headquarters feeder there have been purple finches, American goldfinches, a fox sparrow and a rusty blackbird, along with the normal winter feeder birds.  Ther