There is a lot of good shorebird habitat at Purgatory Creek in Eden Prairie
with the low water and lots of exposed mud.

I went this morning and was able to identify 7 shorebird species:

Semipalmated Sandpiper - 2
Least Sandpiper
Semipalmated Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper
Lesser Yellowlegs
Greater Yellowlegs

I believe there were other shorebird species as well that I was unable to
identify.  Possibly White-rumped or Baird's.

All of the shorebirds in the morning were on the west and northwest side of
the lake in the mud.  They are best seen from the boardwalk blind on the
west side of the lake.  Yesterday evening there were also some shorebirds
on the "sandbar" with the gulls and cormorants, but the best place to see
those would also be from the blind.

The Purgatory Creek wetland is located in Eden Prairie at Technology Dr and
Prairie Center Dr.

Ben Harste
Bloomington, MN

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