Bird activity has , not unexpectadly picked up exponentialy this morning with colder temps and a fair amount of snowfall. At present 50-80 American Goldfinch at the feeder area. While that is not unusual in our yard, it is interesting to note that no more than a handful are on Nyjer sacks, the vast majority are on feeders and the ground (snow) feasting on #2 sunflower. They are accompanied by Dark-eyed Juncos and Northern Cardinals in considerable numbers. I have gone to #2 sunflower exclusively since BOSS has increased in price
and the results have been remarkable.

The other feeders that are seeing a great deal of activity are the shelled peanut feeders. At present 9 Downys, a pair of Red-bellys, a pair of Hairys, a male Flicker, along with WB Nuthatches and an uncountable number of BC Chicksdees are eating peanuts as fast as I can put them out.

Check out the availability of #2 sunflower in your area. We guess 30% more seed per pound and very little mess on the ground. Wild birds are pretty practical when it comes to nutrition-"what gives me the most value for the effort?"

John Nelson
Good Thunder MN
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