The May 23-24-25-26 MBW in NW Minnesota (mostly in Kittson, western Roseau, and 
western Polk Co's) turned up a surprisingly good number of species (186 in 
all), highlighted especially by:

Snowy Egret - May 26 at the Agassiz impoundment (along 280th Ave on the 
Marshall-Polk Co line); small unidentified white egret near several distant 
Great Egrets first spotted by Denny Martin and eventually identified as it flew 

Red Knot (still in basic plumage) - May 25 along Roseau CR 3 in flooded field 
near 340th St (7.5 mi N of Badger); also distant, initially unidentified, and 
first spotted by Denny; positive ID then made after careful study despite poor 
light conditions.

Great Gray Owl adult on nest - May 24 in NE Kittson Co aspen grove; unknown 
raptor nest spotted by Herb Dingmann which was then scoped and proved to be a 
Great Gray's, with a presumed adult female apparently incubating eggs or 
possibly attending to unseen hatchlings; this may represent a first county 
nesting record. 

Other birds of note included:

Snow Goose - blue-morph adult May 26 at Hallock sewage ponds, Kittson Co.

Tundra Swan - late-lingering pair May 25 at Red Knot site.

Gray Partridge - May 26 in Warren, Marshall Co and Crookston sewage ponds, Polk 

Greater Prairie-Chicken - 2 probable sightings N of their normal range on May 
25: along Kittson CR 8 and Roseau CR 4.

Wild(?) Turkey - male displaying to 2 females May 25 at western end of Roseau 
River WMA.

Least Bittern - 2 or 3 on May 25 at Twin Lakes WMA, Kittson Co.

total of 25 shorebird species - besides the Red Knot, highlights included 
Hudsonian Godwits (several at multiple locations), Ruddy Turnstones, 
Sanderlings (~20 at Red Knot site), hundreds of White-rumped Sandpipers, 
Red-necked Phalaropes (several at multiple locations); best locations were the 
numerous flooded fields May 25 near the Roseau River between CR 3 and CR 28, 
and the Crookston sewage ponds May 23 and 26 (entry with advance permission 

Yellow-bellied, Alder, Willow & Least flycatchers - all together and vocalizing 
May 26 in a single thicket at the Agassiz impoundment, Polk Co.

total of 22 warbler species - including Golden-winged, Mourning, Cape May, 
Bay-breasted, and Canada; best locations were Lake Bronson State Park May 24 
and Roseau City Park/Campground May 25.

Kim R Eckert, Duluth

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