One of our rural letter carriers called to report a Snowy Owl in rural
Warren on Tuesday morning. I went out looking for it, but didn't find it.
I did however,  spot a Cooper's Hawk near a farm house on 380th Ave, just
north of 170th Street.  I went out again late this afternoon and found the
Snowy Owl - about 8 miles west of the Audubon Center.  I encountered a
dozen large flocks of Snow Buntings along Polk County 20 and along township
roads between Warren, Angus, Sherack and Tabor.   (photos are posted on
Agassiz Audubon's facebook page).

I also spotted several large flocks of Bohemian Waxwings in downtown Warren
and a dozen Wild Turkeys on Polk County 23 by the Pembina Trail.

Heidi Hughes
Agassiz Audubon Society
27391  190th Street NW
Warren MN  56762


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