February 4, 2014
Greetings All:
Yesterday morning while at break, a co-worker mentioned to me that he and his 
brother had found a Snowy Owl on Sunday (Feb. 2nd) while coyote hunting.  I 
eventually met up with Andrew Nyhus and Dedrick Benz Monday afternoon (Feb. 
3rd) and a total of three Snowy Owls were seen in the vicinity of Oak Center.
Owl # 1:  One mile west of Oak Center on CR 75, then 0.5 mile north on 375th 
Ave (Wabasha County).
Owl # 2:  From the junction of CR 16 and 300th Ave. in Wabasha County, go north 
on 300th Ave. for 0.5 mile.  The bird was seen on the fenceline west of the 
road (Goodhue County, Belvidere Twp.).
Owl # 3:  Six-tenths of a mile south of Oak Center on Hwy 63 perched atop a 
utility pole (Wabasha County).
My thanks to Andrew Nyhus for calling me just as I was leaving work to tell me 
that he and Dedrick had re-found owl # 1.  Also, many thanks to my co-worker 
buddy, Terry, for sharing his sighting and giving me something to do after 
work.  Mr. Nyhus has also generously shared photos and GPS coordinates of two 
of the birds found yesterday on the Minnesota Birding Facebook page.
Good Birding!
John HockemaRochester, MN  
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