[mou-net] Snowy Owl (Duluth / Superior)

2014-12-03 Thread Richard Hoeg
I know this service is for "Minnesota", but I suspect folks might be willing to drive over to Superior for cool birds! A snowy owl has taken up residence at the Richard Bong Airport and has been seen each of the last three evenings at the Superior Middle School. Focus upon the light poles in

[mou-net] Snowy owl - Duluth

2013-12-13 Thread Annette Riley
A snowy owl was seen this evening around 5 pm while heading north on interstate 35 between 40th ave west and 27th ave west. It was perched on a pole on the lake side of the freeway. Annette Riley Duluth Sent from my iPhone Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-n

[mou-net] Snowy Owl, Duluth

2011-10-28 Thread Julie O'Connor
7:40am, Friday, October 28. My husband just called to tell me that he saw a Snowy Owl perched on a median lamp post on the 'Duluth-most' third of the Bong Bridge between Duluth, MN and Superior, WI. Julie O'Connor Volunteer Coordinator/Naturalist 218-348-2291 _joconnor@hawkridge.org_ (http

[mou-net] Snowy Owl (Duluth) Sax-Zim (Minus 41 and 4 owls)

2009-01-16 Thread sparky stensaas
Guiding a great group from southern Iowa up in the Sax-Zim Bog today. Snowy Owl at 7:15 am between Duluth Int'l Airport and the Correctional Facility on Stebner [only 1/2 mile from 53] On a telephone pole before dawn. New location 7:45 am in Sax-Zim and it is Minus 37 to Minus 41 (according to