Sarah Glesner and I managed brief, but excellent, views of a
female-type Summer Tanager at 1:15 PM this afternoon in Two Harbors.
The bird flew into a roadside mountain ash tree at the intersection of
2nd Street and 3rd Avenue before taking off towards Burlington Bay to
the southeast.  Jim Lind joined us shortly thereafter, but despite a
few hour's effort, we were never able to relocate it.  The area did
contain a few other birds of note, however.  A (the?) confiding
Townsend's Solitaire was present along the east edge of the Agate Bay
lighthouse, feeding in a mountain ash tree at close-range before
taking off into the woods.  However, we continued to bump into the
bird for the first section of the Harbor Walk trail, where it was hard
to overlook.  Otherwise, a Brown Thrasher at the intersection of 2nd
Street and 4th Avenue and a flock of Bohemian Waxwings (~15) along 1st
Street rounded out the list of songbird highlights.  Lastly, a female
Black Scoter was loafing around in Burlington Bay in the early

Jim Lind tipped us off to some recently discovered geese (thanks to
Jan Green) just across Route 61 at the Lakeview National Golf Course.
A short walk in from the clubhouse quickly revealed a juvenile Ross's
Goose, a single juvenile "Blue" Snow Goose, and 67 Cackling Geese.

Our spin up from Duluth produced little else, aside from a
Yellow-rumped Warbler at Knife River and ~315 Snow Buntings throughout
the day.

     Good Birding,
         Cameron Rutt
         St. Louis County

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