My wife and I visited Veteran's Memorial Park in Richfield, and found the 
singing Connecticut Warbler first reported (I believe) by Scott Meyer. This 
bird was singing quite loudly near the SE corner of the park. We heard and 
located the bird shortly before noon, and it took us about 15 minutes to see it 
ten feet up in scrubby trees at the west edge of a small pond just north of 
66th (where a small Linder's nursery is set up in a parking lot).  We saw a 
Northern Waterthrush in the same spot.

Lots of singing warblers, vireos, and orioles, but we found nothing else 
remarkable in the park.  We did not see the Snowy Egret or the tanagers.

Far overhead, though, we saw three soaring Brown Pelicans. This would've been 
at around 10:30 AM.  They were south of the park and were heading south.  
During the short time they soared above (and somewhat south of) us, we could 
see their unmistakable shape and bill.  From below they appeared uniformly 
dark, except around their heads, where we could see varying flashes of white as 
they soared and turned.

Steve Bachman and Joann Pfeiffer

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