Sunday I visited Salt Lake and areas east to Hadenville WMA then south to 
Prairie Marsh Farm.
At Salt Lake there were thousands of water fowl including over 1,000 Northern 
Shovelers, 100 Ruddy Duck, Lesser and Greater Scaup, Bufflehead, A. Coots, 
Teals, Gadwall and one A. Widgeon. Also !00 American White Pelican, 8 singing 
Wester Meadowlarks, a few tree swallows, 1 Pied-billed Grebe, and 19 Franklin’s 
Gull. Water levels are high with no mud flats showing.
I did find shorebirds in numerous flooded fields east of Salt Lake. I found 70 
Lesser Yellowlegs and 144 Pectoral Sandpipers. Also found out and about 9 A. 
Kestrel, 4 N. Harrier, 1 Bald Eagle, 12 W. Meadowlark, 2 Blue Birds, 1 Brown 
Thrasher and 1 Savannah Sparrow. Fence lines and wooded areas were filled with 
hundreds of Song Sparrows and Robins, they were every where!
Ken Larson
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