Great bird walk at Westwood Nature Center this morning with 8 birders
finding 65
Highlights were 14 species of warblers,(Northern Parula,Tennesee,Yellow,
Chestnutsided,Cape May,Yellow Rumped, palm,Bay- Breasted,Blackpoll,Black
and White,Common yellowthroat,Wilsons,and Canada!Also red eyed,warbling,
and yellowthroated vireos! foy Great crested fly catcher and Peewee. the
Swallows and chimney swifts were abundant over the lake and Trees.Mother
and baby Great Horned owl gave us great looks far from their nesting tree!
At my home last evening foy Common Nighthawk showed up!
Thanks to all who showed up for a challenging but fun morning of birding!

                                   Spring Migrant
                                   Vic Lewis

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