Both Chad Heins and I last observed the bird around 4:00 this
afternoon at the feeders behind the chapel at Bethany Lutheran College
in Mankato. I have uploaded a photo of the bird to the "Recently Seen"
page on the MOU website.
Bob Dunlap, Nicollet County
Hey birders!
A small flock of Common Redpolls has taken up residence on the campus of
Bethany Lutheran College. They arrived the same day the Northern Hawk Owl in
North Mankato. Today they were joined at the birdfeeders outside the chapel by
a Hoary Redpoll. It was kinda neat to see American
Good Morning: The Snowy Owl was observed this morning, monday, January 26th,
around 10:00, at the previously described location. Perched on top of utility
pole on 640th Avenue and then flew to a pole on 300th street, east of 640th.
If coming from Highway 56, might be best to take 290th str
I am forwarding this request from DNR biologist Steve Wilson:"This is turning
out to be another boreal owl irruption year. As with most such events, a small
proportion of the birds become hungry enough they're forced to hunt in the
daytime, and unfortunately, in some cases perish. Once again I'm
I found one female Spruce Grouse on Lake County Hwy 1, .1 mile east of mile
marker 302. This is west of Lake 2. She was picking grit off the highway and
flushed when another car went by. The time was between 8:00 and 8:30. I'd
been doing dawn patrol for Spruce Grouse on Cty. 2, but it was qu