Several birders saw the Hutchinson lazuli bunting today, even if only very 
sporadically and fleetingly, throughout Sunday, May 19th.
The best viewing times were between 7:30 and 10:00 am, and about 5:45-7:00 pm.
It is still hanging out with 1-2 Indigo Buntings, is feeding on the ground on 
the south side of my home, usually very close
to the arbor vitae shrubs, but also among the hostas and along the neighbor's 
sidewalk. But it has been very skittish and wary and
flies off into the shrubs or up into the nearby maple tree (where it is hard to 
find) at any kind of unusual movement.

I will be gone tomorrow (Mon.) from very early until mid-afternoon or so, I 
will not be able to determine if it is still around early in the a.m.,
but anyone is still welcome to come by and give it a try, viewing either from 
the sidewalk on the west side of the house, or the driveway in the alley
behind the house.

Pete Hoeger
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