Is the data encoded in UTF8?

Cart wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I am having trouble writing extended ASCII characters (for example: french
> accent characters: é, ê, ç, etc...) to the iPlanet Directory Server.  The
> add function (ldap_add_ext_s()) doesn't give me error (it returns
> LDAP_SUCCESS), however if I try updating the entry later, I doesn't work.
> In addition, if I go into the iPlanet Console, the entry is there but all
> characters before the extended ASCII character (including the extended
> ASCII char itself) is truncated.  For example: if uid = Helloébye, the
> console would show Hello.
> Has anyone experienced the same problem?  Should I be using the berval
> element in the LDAPMod structure?
> I would really apprepriate it if someone could help me here...
> Thanks,
> Cart.
> If you're interested, here is my code:
> #include <fl_ldap.h>
> #include <string.h>
> /* number of attributes to be added */
> /* userID, given, surname, common name */
> #define NMODS           9
> #define MAX_TRIES       5
> extern char * add_uid(char LDAP_host[255], int LDAP_port, char
> people_dn[255], char mangr_dn[255], char mangr_pwd[255], char
> new_user_id[255], char given[255], char surname[255], char sslyesno[3]);
> char *
> add_uid(char LDAP_host[255], int LDAP_port, char people_dn[255], char
> mangr_dn[255], char mangr_pwd[255], char new_user_id[255], char given[255],
> char surname[255], char sslyesno[3])
> {
>         LDAP            *ld;
>         char            dn[255];
>         LDAPMod         **mods;
>         int             i;
>         int             msgid;
>         struct timeval  zerotime;
>         char            ldap_error[255];
>         /* object classes to add (object class is actually an attribute that
> determines what attributes will be available to this entry) */
>         char *objectclass_values[] = { "top", "person", "organizationalPerson",
> "inetorgperson", "inetsubscriber", NULL };
>         char *passRetryCnt_values[] = { "0", NULL };
>         /* true indicates that the account is InActive */
>         char *acctLock_values[] = { "true", NULL };
>         char *cn_values[] = { given, NULL };
>         char *sn_values[] = { surname, NULL };
>         char *givenname_values[] = { given, NULL };
>         char *uid_values[] = { new_user_id, NULL };
>         char *chall_values[] = { "", NULL };
>         char *response_values[] = { " ", NULL };
>         zerotime.tv_sec = zerotime.tv_usec = 0L;
>         /* specify the dn we're adding... */
>         strcpy(dn, "uid=");
>         strcat(dn, new_user_id);
>         strcat(dn, ", ");
>         strcat(dn, people_dn);
>         /* check for ssl */
>         if ( strncmp(sslyesno, "No", 2) == 0 ) {
>                 if ( (ld = ldap_init( LDAP_host, LDAP_port )) == NULL ) {
>                         return "LDAP init failed";
>                 }
>         }
>         else {
>                 if ( ldapssl_client_init( CERT_DB, NULL ) < 0) {
>                         return "Failed to initialize SSL client...";
>                 }
>                 /* Initialize LDAP session */
>                 if ( (ld = ldap_init( LDAP_host, LDAP_port )) == NULL ) {
>                    perror( "ldap_init" );
>                    return "LDAP init failed";
>                 }
>                 /* Load SSL routines */
>                 if ( ldapssl_install_routines( ld ) != 0 ) {
>                    ldap_perror( ld, "ldapssl_install_routines" );
>                    return "LDAP SSL install routines failed";
>                 }
>                 /* Set up option in LDAP struct for using SSL */
>                 if ( ldap_set_option( ld, 0x0A, ((void *)1) ) != 0 ) {
>                    ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_set_option" );
>                    return "LDAP set option failed";
>                 }
>         }
>         /* authenticate to the directory as the Directory Manager */
>         if ( ( msgid = ldap_simple_bind_s( ld, mangr_dn, mangr_pwd ) ) !=
>                 printf("Error Message ID = %d\n", msgid);
>                 return "Could not authenticate directory manager";
>         }
>         /* construct the array of values to add */
>         mods = ( LDAPMod ** ) malloc (( NMODS + 1 ) * sizeof( LDAPMod * ));
>         if ( mods == NULL ) {
>                 return "Could not allocate memory for mods array";
>         }
>         /* allocate memory for mods elements */
>         for ( i = 0; i < NMODS; i++) {
>                 if (( mods[i] = ( LDAPMod * ) malloc( sizeof( LDAPMod * ))) == NULL) 
>                         return "Could not allocate memory for mods element";
>                 }
>         }
>         /* fill the mods array */
>         /* each mods array element is a particular attribute of our directory
> element */
>         (mods[0]->mod_op) = 0;
>         (mods[0]->mod_type) = "objectclass";
>         (mods[0]->mod_values) = objectclass_values;
>         (mods[1]->mod_op) = 0;
>         (mods[1]->mod_type) = "passwordretrycount";
>         (mods[1]->mod_values) = passRetryCnt_values;
>         (mods[2]->mod_op) = 0;
>         (mods[2]->mod_type) = "nsAccountLock";
>         (mods[2]->mod_values) = acctLock_values;
>         (mods[3]->mod_op) = 0;
>         (mods[3]->mod_type) = "cn";
>         (mods[3]->mod_values) = cn_values;
>         (mods[4]->mod_op) = 0;
>         (mods[4]->mod_type) = "sn";
>         (mods[4]->mod_values) = sn_values;
>         (mods[5]->mod_op) = 0;
>         (mods[5]->mod_type) = "givenname";
>         (mods[5]->mod_values) = givenname_values;
>         (mods[6]->mod_op) = 0;
>         (mods[6]->mod_type) = "uid";
>         (mods[6]->mod_values) = uid_values;
>         (mods[7]->mod_op) = 0;
>         (mods[7]->mod_type) = "inetsubscriberchallenge";
>         (mods[7]->mod_values) = chall_values;
>         (mods[8]->mod_op) = 0;
>         (mods[8]->mod_type) = "inetsubscriberresponse";
>         (mods[8]->mod_values) = response_values;
>         (mods[9] = NULL);
>         /* initiate the add op */
>         if (( msgid = ldap_add_ext_s( ld, dn, mods, NULL, NULL )) < 0 ) {
>                 ldap_mods_free ( mods, 1 );
>                 printf("Error Message ID = %d\n", msgid);
>                 return "Add failed";
>         }
>         ldap_mods_free( mods, 1 );
>         ldap_unbind( ld );
>         /* return empty string to indicate everyone went ok */
>         return "";
> }

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