
I don't know if this is the right group to ask my questions but That's the
only groups I could access, I hope you'll be able and have the kindness to
answer me :

I've just install Directory 4.1, and I not familiar with it.
May someone anwser my poor 2 questions ?

First of all : is it possible to assign 2 certificates to a single user ? Is
yes, How ??
Then : Using ldap URL, I can not reach user using their cn
For example : I have to use uid to identifiate a user
ldap://xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx:389/uid=jsmith, ou=orgunit, o=org, c=us
but I just can make it with :
ldap://xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx:389/cn=john%20smith, ou=orgunit, o=org, c=us
the server find not entry ...
Even when I take a look in the directory server, at /Directory I find the dn
: uid=jsmith, ou=orgunit,o=org,c=us
and I need it to be : cn=john%20smith, ou=orgunit,o=org,c=us


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