

I installed Mozilla ActiveX control using Mozilla ActiveX Control 1.7.12 following the install instruction. Here is the link of Mozilla ActiveX introduction that I followed:



I still couldn’t using it after I installed it, http://www.iol.ie/~locka/mozilla/mozctltest2.htm is a page using Mozilla ActiveX control. I couldn’t see the object on the page.






Below is the detail I’v done.


Where I get executable installer on page http://www.iol.ie/~locka/mozilla/control.htm


Get the binaries!

Standalone Mozilla ActiveX Control installers. Note these contain just the control and the parts of Mozilla Gecko it needs to function. It does not contain the full Mozilla browser.


Mozilla ActiveX Control 1.7.12




Where I get installation instruction on page http://www.iol.ie/~locka/mozilla/control.htm


Installing it

Installation should be a straightforward procedure:

1.          Install or build mozilla

2.          Open a DOS prompt, change to your Mozilla bin directory (e.g. "cd c:\mozilla\bin")

3.          Type "regsvr32 mozctlx.dll"

Note that building Mozilla will usually register the control for you unless you have set MOZ_NO_ACTIVEX_REGISTRATION to disable this behaviour.

If regsvr32.exe is not in you path use the "Find Files..." facility of 95/98/NT to locate it and run it using its the full path.

Do not register mozctl.dll! The new mozctlx.dll now contains all the PATH fixup magic that ensures the control works correctly.

Thank you for your kind help.




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