Round One...
  ... Fight!

> What do they gain out of *any* of Mozilla?  It's a complete and utter
> failure after, what, five *years* of work, the laughingstock of the
> computing world, and yet they still drag the dead carcass along.  And
> then to top it off they slap a commie star on it apparently as some sort
> of sick joke.

What do you gain out posting to Netscape.Public.Mozilla?

I don't know what they gain out of it. I know what I gain out of it - a 
standards-compliant, fast, useable web-browser and email client.

I must ask - what computer hardware and software are you using? Under 
[insert unix clone here], or Mac OS 9, or Windows 2000, I know that 
Mozilla works, and works well. I primarily use G4 450 PPC, and under OS 
9 or X, it works. Fast.

> In all seriousness, somebody answer me this: other than crash-wise,
> which I'll grant you is much improved, is today's Mozilla *any*
> different than it was at Netscape 6.0-time?

Speed. N6 took ten, twenty seconds to even start. Mozilla 0.9.6 takes 
two. Maybe three.

Standards compliance improved, blah, blah.

Interface is a little better. A little.

> I notice no significant difference.

Then open your eyes.

> The mail composer is still an unusable joke, without even
> *NOTEPAD* quality editing features (PLEASE somebody "challenge" me on
> that one).

No. I don't even understand what you're saying there. Make a coherent 
statement if you want me to refute it.

>  The "cache" does nothing more than serve up week-old
> "news". 

No-one else has seen this problem (or have they?). It could be your 
network cache, it which case it's beyond's power to fix your 

> The XUL is just as slow.

Computers only get faster. Making an application which only runs on 
today's high-end machines makes sense to me, because today's high-end 
machines are next year's quaint curiousities.

And the XUL is much, much faster than in N6.

>  The 1.0 performance release criteria
> that Hixie, Jesus X, myself, and even Gervase Markham worked on
> (summary: 1.0 must be at least HALF AS SLOW as either IE OR Netscape,
> whichever is SLOWER) have been thrown in the shitter

Um. For me, Mozilla is already satisfying that for startup (I think), 
and everything else except new page open.

> The... ah why the hell
> do I bother, nobody here cares enough about this project to put it to
> sleep, let alone make it good.

Yet some people here do care about this project enough to download test 
binaries daily, file bugs, checkin code every day, post to a newsgroup 
on the subject of, of all things, a web browser.... you have an 
untenable position, there. The fact that you posted "nobody cares" on a 
newsgroup suggests you think some-one will respond, and why would 
someone respond, if they didn't care?

>  Makes me ill.

What a shame that would be.

In closing - if you don't like the way Mozilla works on your hardware 
configuraion, either upgrade, or use Opera, because Mozilla is into 
functionality, flexibitly, portabilty and all those other things that 
need a "high end" machine (not that my power mac G4 cube is a high end 
machine anymore. When I bought it, last year, it was. Today, it's a 
doorstop. But even so, it can run Mozilla fast). If you don't like 
functionality, flexibitly, or portabilty, then find another browser.


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