Netscape Basher wrote:
> Good old AOL and Netscape combine for spyware. Another reason not to use 
> it right now.

Look, if you're going to waste everyone's time by trolling, you could at 
least put a bit of effort into it. I mean, as a troll, this last post 
was pretty damm pathetic.

And looking at your past efforts, it's pretty clear that you're lacking 
the refinement, intelligence and quick wit that's needed to be an 
effective troll on the moden Internet. It's not good enough to put 
together a line or two which is at odds with the majority of the group 
you're trolling. Any semi-conscious half-wit can do that. Using 
"Netscape Basher" for your handle? Pluheese, did you make that up or did 
your daddy help? Show a bit of pride in your work, for crying out loud. 
You need to be witty, eloquent, you need to spice up the troll with 
hints or outright accusations of stupidiy, malevolence, spite, 
censorship, hiprocracy and conspiracy. You need to make people read your 
troll even though they don't want to and a few poor accusations and 
nasty words here and there are not going to cut it.

You'd better buck up, matey, or you're going to get left behind. In 
fact, you're already far, far behind.


(-1, Troll)

Mike Gratton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <>
"Every motive escalate."

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