
I've just started using Mozilla 0.9.2 and have an issue with the behaviour 
of LDAP address lookup in the mail program.

When I start to type a name in the 'To' field, Mozilla does a lookup on the 
LDAP server I have specified to find a match for the name.  A list of 
matches is shown and I just highlight the one I want to use.

That all works fine, but when I send the message it sends it to two 
addresses; what I typed (literally which is generally incomplete) AND the 
one I selected from the LDAP lookup.

Hope this makes sense.  Can anyone shed any light on this so I can prevent 
it occurring.  Maybe I'm doing something wrong but can't figure out how to 
prevent this happening.  Seems like a bug to me.

Thanks for any help.

SuSE 7.2

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