Firstly apologies of this is the wrong group; I tried to use dejanews to 
a suitable group but its been taken over today by google - it indicated the 
npm.discussion group ...  but unlike dejanews which DID permit 
posting/replying to groups, this new google rubbish doesn't...  and I my 
usenet service (mailandnews) that I use doesn't seem to carry that group.

OK...  my problem...

I've been pointed in the direction of perldap as a possible solution for our 
users to update their unix login passwords which are stored in an ldap 
database (Netscape Directory Server 4.12).  The LDAP SDK for C we have is 
version 4.1.

The problem I find is that if I compile and install perldap (v 1.4.1) on one 
box (Sol 7, gnu make 3.78.1, gcc 2.81, perl 5.004_04) and try and run (in the examples directory) it coredumps when I try and run 
wheras on another box (exactly the same OS, utilities and versions) it 
doesn't!!  FWIW the box it coredumps on is the actual server itself, but I 
dunno if that is at all relevant to the issue.

I also have a problem in that on the box on which does work I 
enter the following command (as root, trying to alter the password of user 
ian) and receive the following response

# ./ -h lister.nm -b o=lister.nm -D cn=dmanager -w <passwd> ian
New password: <new password>
New password (again): <new password>

No such user: ian

Now ..  the user ian does exist and I can login using that name!!  I get the 
same response if I use a fully qualified name i.e. 

If I login as user ian and try that command I get the same response and if I 
drop the final "ian" the response I get is that there is no such user : 

Finally, during the perldap compile/install, when running perl Makefile.PL 
question is raised whether to use LDAPv3 Developer Kit... well, as stated 
above we are using version 4.12...  so should the answer to this be yes (as 
we are using an SDK) or no (in that we are not using a v3 SDK)....

Any ideas?



If you can't annoy somebody with what you write, I think there's 
little point in writing.  -- Kingsley Amis

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