I got an idea about this:
surround uses phase information wich is stored in high freq.
By default below 160k lame has a 16kHz cut-off, so those infos are lost.
You should try with -k in encoding to see if it solves this effect.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: Mark Gilbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 09, 1999 11:52 AM
Subject: Re: [MP3 ENCODER] sound quality tests

> Same effect happens if you turn on SRS in the Apple iMAC (Surround sound)
> Sounds awful. This is with any MPEG encoder, not specifically LAME.
> Mark.
> >I did some listening tests last night using lame v3.13.
> >I decompressed the mp3 files (using mpg123 0.59q) onto a CD and
> >played them on a recent stereo, using decent headphones for
> >analysis.  My ears are still fairly young (i'm 24), although I'm
> >sure they got slightly zapped with all the nightclubs i've been
> >going to lately :-)
> >
> >The sound file used was an extract from Around the World by
> >Daft Punk.  I'll put the wav file on the web and let you know the
> >location.
> >
> >Anyway, using normal playback, sound quality at at 128 kbits
> >was very good, but different than the original in a way which
> >I could not figure out - it just didn't feel the same.
> >At 160 kbits I could not tell the difference.
> >
> >Using the sound expander function on the CD player, things
> >started to sound quite different.  The expander, a common
> >function on today's decent stereo systems, makes the music sound
> >more spacious - as if the room was bigger and the speakers were
> >more powerful... I guess it adds some sort of echo or delay,
> >probably frequency dependent.
> >
> >At 128 kbits there was a very noticeable distortion - the
> >clapping like noise after a drum beat was severly distorted -
> >a "bubbly" sound, similar to the effect one gets when encoding
> >anything at 64 kbits.    The high frequency "organs" also
> >sounded distorted - they didn't have smooth transitions.
> >
> >At 160 kbits these distortions were gone, although the
> >music still sounded a little bit different.
> >
> >I hope this helps!   Let me know if you need more info about
> >these tests.
> >
> >Cheers,
> >
> >conrad
> >
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