Hi, all.

I got a promblem when porting L.A.M.E for Macintosh as REALbasic plugin. The
problem is almost of L.A.M.E codes are abruptly quit with calling exit()
function. However, I have to return error code and I am not allowed call
exit() in the code resource.

I know, that GPL must be opened the source, thouth, the work to rewrite all
functions to return error, don't call exit() is troublesome job and to give
them comments of changings are more nuisance thing for me.

So, I wonder, how can I make L.A.M.E does not quit abruptly with exit(). I
think I could check errors with stderr file.

Or is there any port for DLLs which return an error code, never quit in the

Osamu Shigematsu

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