On Jun 18, 7:33 am, degski <deg...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Degski,

> As I ran into trouble with the static c++ lib, I concluded that I
> needed a dynamic lib, hence my problem was created.

The fact that the DLL libraries include the C++ functions is
mentioned at one point in the VC++ readme.txt file but I will
add another mention of this in the C++ section.

Changing this in the manual is 'above my pay grade' as this is built
on *nix systems.

> There is one maybe worthwhile warning to mention (using the Intel
> 11.1.060 compiler):
> 6>randlc2x.c
> 6>..\..\randlc2x.c(285): warning #147: declaration is incompatible
> with "void __gmp_randinit_lc_2exp(__gmp_randstate_struct *,
> mpz_srcptr, unsigned long, mp_bitcnt_t={unsigned __int64})" (declared
> at line 579 of "..\..\mpir.h")
> 6>  gmp_randinit_lc_2exp (gmp_randstate_t rstate,
> 6>
> I presume that doesn't effect the functioning (gmp_randstate_t rstate
> versus __gmp_randstate_struct *).

I'll look at this but I suspect it is not a problem.

> Testing the availabilty of the C++ interface through the mpirxxx.h +
> linking to mpir.lib (dynamic), revealed though that something like
> mpz_class x = 9834670453454353; does not work.
> 1>MontgomeryMultiplication.cpp
> 1>..\MontgomeryMultiplication.cpp(129): error: more than one operator
> "=" matches these operands:
> 1>            function "__gmp_expr<mpz_t, mpz_t>::operator=(signed char)"
> 1>            function "__gmp_expr<mpz_t, mpz_t>::operator=(unsigned char)"
> 1>            function "__gmp_expr<mpz_t, mpz_t>::operator=(signed int)"
> 1>            function "__gmp_expr<mpz_t, mpz_t>::operator=(unsigned int)"
> 1>            function "__gmp_expr<mpz_t, mpz_t>::operator=(signed short)"
> 1>            function "__gmp_expr<mpz_t, mpz_t>::operator=(unsigned short)"
> 1>            function "__gmp_expr<mpz_t, mpz_t>::operator=(signed long)"
> 1>            function "__gmp_expr<mpz_t, mpz_t>::operator=(unsigned long)"
> 1>            function "__gmp_expr<mpz_t, mpz_t>::operator=(float)"
> 1>            function "__gmp_expr<mpz_t, mpz_t>::operator=(double)"
> 1>            operand types are: mpz_class = __int64
> 1>   b = 9834670453454353;
> 1>     ^
> I guess it's like that in GMP, I remember writing quite a bit of
> 64-bit input/output functions in the past, like mpz_set_ui64 etc
> etc... The workaround is easy, I understand, but shouldn't the __int64
> type be added to the interface?

The short answer is YES - we have repeatedly discussed how to handle
the Windows specific issue of how to handle 64-bit integers on this
platform.  It typically doesn't happen on Linux because ints on 64-bit
Linux systems are 64-bits so the existing functions work here.

But it's a lot of work because there are a lot of get/set ui/si
functions that need to be duplicated for 'long long/unsigned long
long' inputs and outputs.

Are there any volunteers who would be willing to help in doing this?

I'm glad that it is now working for you.


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