On 25/11/2012 23:07, Bill Hart wrote:
> Hi Brian,
> great! I've merged this to my repo.
> By the way, an additional correction to my instructions:
> git remote add https://github.com/wbhart/mpir bill
> should be
> git remote add bill https://github.com/wbhart/mpir
> apparently.
> Once you have done this, you should be able to get up-to-date with me
> by doing git pull bill
> I have just made some changes for you to try this on.
> It's unfortunate that Git For Windows doesn't have a button for doing
> git pull bill and you have to do it from the command line. I guess
> they'll eventually add a button for this.

I use GIT rather than GITHUB as it has a more complete command set on
the Windows context menus. The pull command is available on this menu
and it pulled your changes without any problems (AFAIK).

> Bill.
> On 25 November 2012 22:56, Cactus <rieman...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sunday, 25 November 2012 21:25:14 UTC, Bill Hart wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have just finished creating a Git repository for MPIR on GitHub:
>>> https://github.com/wbhart/mpir
>>> We will be using Git very much like SVN, to simplify things for SVN
>>> users until they get used to the more advanced features of Git, with
>>> my GitHub page acting as the main development repository.
>>> Here are the steps that developers need to undertake if they plan to
>>> use the Git repository for development:
>>> * Create your own personal GitHub account (free) on http://github.com/
>>> if you do not have one. (Click the "Sign Up For Free" button at the
>>> upper right, and follow the instructions.)
>>> * Fork my copy of the MPIR repository by going to
>>> https://github.com/wbhart/mpir and click the "Fork" button in the
>>> upper right.
>>> * If you plan to use Git For Windows:
>>> ----- install it by going to http://windows.github.com/ and clicking
>>> the Download button in the upper right, run it, following the
>>> instructions.
>>> ----- clone your *own* MPIR GitHub repo in Windows, e.g. go to
>>> https://gihub.com/yourusername/mpir and click "Clone in Windows" near
>>> the top of the page on the left.
>>> ----- follow the Git For Windows instructions to add my repo
>>> (https://github.com/wbhart/mpir) as a "remote". Give it the name bill
>>> or something, which is easier to remember.
>>> * If you plan to use *nix git:
>>> ------ git clone https://gihub.com/yourusername/mpir mpir
>>> ------ cd mpir; git remote add https://github.com/wbhart/mpir bill
>>> The second last step in each case is equivalent to the svn checkout
>>> procedure and creates a copy of the repository on your local machine
>>> in the mpir directory. The last step just connects it up to the main
>>> repo (mine).
>>> You are now ready to begin contributing to MPIR using Git.
>>> The four main differences between SVN and Git that you have to
>>> remember are the following:
>>> * trunk in svn is called master in git. Most developers will work in
>>> master. (Branches are possible just like svn, but you'll need to learn
>>> more about git to do that.)
>>> * after doing git commit (similar to svn commit) there is an extra
>>> step required to make your commits public, namely: git push. This
>>> pushes all your changes to the public repo. You can make as many
>>> commits as you like before you make them public with git push. Unlike
>>> svn commit, git commit only makes commits to your local repo, not to
>>> the public one. The extra step, git push, takes them all the way to
>>> the public repo.
>>> * To keep up-to-date with the main development repo, you have to,
>>> every now and again do: git pull bill (this is the equivalent of svn
>>> up)
>>> * Other users do not automatically get your changes unless I merge
>>> them into the main repo. For that, you have to tell me when you have
>>> pushed changes to your public repo. (Users can pull directly from one
>>> another, but you need to learn more about git to do that.)
>>> Enjoy!
>>> Bill.
>> I now have my GIT repository (https://github.com/BrianGladman/mpir) for MPIR
>> up at GITHUB and I have added the build files for Visual Studio 2012.
>>      Brian

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