To avoid memory leaks, at the end of routines that use mpz/mpq/mpf
vars I want to free the ones that have been initialized, but not the
ones that haven't.  I would greatly prefer to do this at the end
rather than track each var's status throughout the code.

In C, I declare a var as (say)

MP_INT mpzVar = {0};

so the var starts out with all zero elements.  When a var is
initialized and later cleared, the internals don't seem to change
sufficiently when cleared for me to be able to distinguish that case.

Q1:  Is there some simple way to tell by looking at a var's internals
to see whether it has been clear'ed?
Q2:  When a var is cleared, is it OK for me to zero the _mp_d ptr so I
can test that element?

Also, to track memory leaks I use Custom Allocation functions, so I
would prefer not to free a var that's already been freed as it won't
be found in the table of memory allocations and it'll be harder to
distinguish that case from a bug in my code.

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