This thread will be for notes on converting Jason's code to yasm
format. It might help Jason to avoid a couple of minor things which
cause crunching in the gears and may help Brian improve the python

* Yasm doesn't like loop labels to be called loop: Anything else is
fine, e.g. loop1:

* There is no prologue necessary for linux. The code can just end with

* include(`../config.m4') becomes %include '../'

* ASM_START is not required

*  win64_gcc_start mpn_blah can become GLOBAL_FUNC mpn_blah

* It didn't know what to do with mulq [rcx], it needs mul qword [rcx]

* It choked on

jge mulskiploop$1

Perhaps don't use $ as part of a label name. It thinks it is a macro
parameter, which it doesn't seem to be.

I don't know why it converted MULLOOP($1) to MULLOOP$1 instead of

Capitals also appear to screw up in the conversion. The macros get
converted to lower case, but the calls stay upper case (or is it vice
versa, I forget).

More to come I am sure. I'm about half way.


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