I am attempting to rewrite an Eiffel language interface to the new MPIR library. I have done this successfully for an earlier version - with considerable help from this group. I am fairly expert at Eiffel but not with some of the tools I need to use for this library. My Eiffel compiler translates Eiffel code to "C" code and then uses "cl" from the Microsoft Windows SDK v7.0 to compile that code.

I am getting this error:

2 C Compiler Error: Error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __gmp_versionCobj19.libI'll show my Eiffel definition for this and I can assure you that it is correct:

        c_gmp_version: POINTER
-- GNU MP version number, as a null-terminated string, in the form "i.j.k".
                        "C inline use %"mpir.h%""
                                return (char *)gmp_version;

In the same Eiffel source file I have defined __GNU_MP_VERSION and several other of the macros that compiled successfully. I am perplexed why I should receive the error. Could anyone assist.

Chris Saunders

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