Hi all,

We have just fixed the last known major bugs for the up and coming
MPIR 1.3.0. If anyone would like to try it out, it is available from
svn. Once we have more broadly tested it on our build farms in a day
or two, we'll upload a tarball and go through the usual release cycle
of alphas, etc.

svn co http://modular.math.jmu.edu/svn/mpir/mpir/trunk mpir-1.3

Brian has done testing on Windows and so far it is passing. Jeff, it
is up to you if you would like to either test from svn or wait until
we have a tarball.

The new benchmarks look good. They show we are still well behind GMP
on root extraction, especially cube roots, but that we've caught up a
lot since our last release and that we are a long way ahead on new
primality tests we added to the benchmark.

The main things we really need now are:

* Optimise the function mpn_nhgcd2 function in the
mpn/generic/nhgcd2.c file. This will speed up both gcd and xgcd.
* Fast algorithm for extracting cube roots.
* Fast exact division using David Harvey's Hensel division code (we've
already used his approximate quotient code to get fast tdiv_q code)
* Asymptotically fast division.

If anyone is keen for a challenge for the next release, mpir 1.4,
those would be the main areas where we could really use a boost.


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