Hello And Good Morning List!
I am looking for information in regards to the Hollman lawsuit, if there is
still a continued fight or has the lawsuit been largely settled? Could you
please e-mail me off the list with any information, or point me to someone
that this current information...
Doug Mann said: "It would be a mistake to not ask for
stiff monetary penalties against the City for further delays (the city
needs an incentive to get the job done on time)."
Brandt here: Legal Aid has asked the city in hypothetical terms to put
$300,000 into the Affordable Housing Trust Fund in
Controversy dogs Hollman/ Heritage Park project
By: Isaac Peterson, III
Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder
Originally posted 7/23/2003
Johnson Lee bypassed in appointment of project head
The words Hollman Project and Heritage Park
have long been synonyms for controversy.
Recent developments, h
Maura Brown's recitation of Hollman history requires correction in one
respect. She asserts:
"Steve Brandt reported on many of these events at the time. Given
that his mind is like a steel trap he should be able to correct any
factual inaccuracies contained in this post."
My wife and any numbe
Jana Metge wrote regarding Hollman:
"I thought I observed Mayor Sharon Sayles Belton adamantly opposing taking
homes down before new homes were funded and built. I thought that I also
observed the Mpls. City Council not supporting her and taking the votes to
move it ahead."
Warning - th