Lot of good this 'talk' about tolerance toward our fellow American citizens of Arab or Middle Eastern background does in real world. Sadly, I'm not surprised.

Eric Mitchell

Former Mill District-Ward 5


Associated Press
Sep 21 2001 12:00AM

SALT LAKE CITY -- Three Arab-Americans from Utah have been kicked off a flight from Minneapolis because the other passengers refused to fly with them.

The three men live in Salt Lake City and were on their way home from Philadelphia Thursday when they were booted from a connecting flight in Minneapolis.

The men decline to give their names, but say they had undergone an extensive security check before being allowed to board the Northwest Airlines flight. But other passengers refused to fly as long as they stayed on board. Northwest says it had no choice. The airline says under government security rules is has to ``re-accommodate'' passengers if their actions or presence make a majority of the other passengers uncomfortable.

The men say they feel depressed and very discriminated against.

They flew home on a Delta flight.

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