NAACP Withdraws from Minneapolis Housing Case (full text at)

[Press release] "Dennis Courtland Hayes, NAACP General Counsel, announced 
today that the Minneapolis Branch NAACP has withdrawn as a plaintiff in the 
housing case Hollman v. Martinez..." 

[Doug Mann] This is news to most of the branch membership, and possibly to 
the Court. To date a motion to dismiss the NAACP as a party to the Hollman 
lawsuit has not been filed in the Court's Hollman docket (file). 

However, Attorney Thomas White filed a motion to withdraw as counsel for the 
NAACP on October, 1, 2003 [docket #233]. That motion was granted on October 
14, 2003.

The NAACP was still a party to the Hollman lawsuit as of October 17, 2003. 
There was a hearing on October 17, 2003 to consider a motion by the City seeking 
an additional $7.3 million from the Federal Department of Housing and Urban 
Development (HUD). The NAACP and Legal Aid supported the City. -- "MEMORANDUM 
by class plaintiffs in support of MPHA's motion for order to enforce decree," 
docket #242, dated 10 / 9 / 03
The constitution and bylaws for branches of the NAACP give branch executive 
committees authority "To decide matters of Branch policy subject to endorsement 
by the Branch and in accordance with National policy." (article IV, section 
2, paragraph f).

However, the branch never endorsed the executive committee's decision to 
support the City in Court. The branch executive committee blocked the formation of 
a housing committee in September (see "Don't give them shelter," pulse of the 
twin cities), ignored several requests for special meetings to address this 
issue, and the branch president prevented the September membership meeting from 
being convened. The branch membership was ordered to vacate the site of the 
meeting (Urban League building) or face arrest by Minneapolis Police.

It's not hard to figure out why the Minneapolis NAACP branch executive 
committee did not want any input and direction from the branch membership. A 
majority of branch members who regularly branch attend meetings can't be trusted to 
vote the way the executive committee wants them to.

[Press release] Hayes said: "We feel it more important that the efforts of 
the plaintiffs, as well as the community at large, not be hindered by the 
ongoing distractions within the local branch. With the recent withdrawal of attorney 
Thomas J. White, yet the third local attorney to withdraw from the case, we 
have been unable to retain adequate substitute counsel. Therefore, 
notwithstanding Branch President Brett Buckner's desire to persevere, we must accept 
reality that internal matters should be resolved before the branch could be an 
effective voice in this case or other civil rights initiatives."

Accordingly, a pending internal misconduct complaint against some branch 
members and a civil suit concerning a branch election currently under adjudication 
are serving as distractions from the overall goals of the Hollman litigation.

[Doug Mann] Spoken like a true lawyer

-Doug Mann, King Field
Mann for School Board web site: 
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