Kudos to SWJ for addressing transportation and environmental issues recently - for 


http://www.swjournal.com/articles/2004/09/03/opinion/opinion01.txt  "Damn 


http://www.swjournal.com/articles/2004/09/03/opinion/opinion02.txt  -- Citizen 
Pressure/Pollution cleanup


http://www.swjournal.com/articles/2004/09/03/news/news02.txt  -- Illegal SUVs?


http://www.swjournal.com/articles/2004/09/03/news/news04.txt  -- Crosstown Project


also Scott Russell's "Cool Summer Equals Less Pollution" and Robyn Repya's "City 
Studying Inadequate Storm Water Tunnels" and "Crosstown Environmental Assessment Gets 
Mixed Reviews."  (Sorry, I could not get the online links to these vol 15, no. 17 
articles - maybe not archived yet?)


Of course, Brian Kaller's take on energy and transportation in the Pulse brought the 
energy-transportation relationship into sharp focus:


http://www.pulsetc.com/article.php?sid=1249&mode=&order=0  Running On Empty


I would like to see us all take the discussion a step further:  Brauer, Russell, 
Repya, and Kaller have clearly done some research, and Justin Eibenholzl has pointed 
out that citizen activism makes good changes happen.


Our transportation planning institutions and public dialogue are riding a "runaway 
cement truck" with a great deal of momentum and speed, but the pavement of 
yesteryear's premises about environment, economics, geopolitics, and energy has run 


Here are two articles by Howard T Odum, a well-reputed scientist who co-wrote "A 
Prosperous Way Down" with his wife Elisabeth in 2001.






We need to look at our city and metro area as an "energyscape."  We can not afford the 
economic, ecological, energy, or geopolitical "crash" demanded by our current 
transportation paradigm.  We need radical change in transportation planning and design 
now - not in five or ten years.


-- pedaling for peace and ecojustice from Kingfield  -- Gary Hoover

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