The Taxpayers League (which controls the Republican
party in Minnesota) claims that the lack of chaos and
congestion from the bus strike proves that transit is
a bad deal for taxpayers and doesn't reduce

   Here is the Strib article about the Taxpayers

  Philip Pina of the Pioneer Press (who ought to know
better!) wrote this: 

  "An estimated 75,000 people make about 220,000 trips
each day, but the vast majority has cars or other ways
to get around." The vast majority??????

   According to Pina it is only the poor and homeless
who do not have cars. It is a good article except for
this whopper.

   Here is Pina's PP article:

   Here is an article which warns of future

   When are Mayors Rybak and Kelly going to get
involved? When will the Mpls City Council pass a

   It would be interesting to archive the public
statements of all elected officials concerning the bus

   Maybe elected officials could join the labor
movement in calling for a general strike if the strike
isn't settled soon. If some elected officials won't
criticize Pawlenty and Bell-replace them!
   Anybody who brags about lack of chaos is asking for
big trouble. If all the suffering is being done by bus
riders and transit workers...that won't last forever.

   If anarchists or anybody else with an ax to grind
wanted to disrupt traffic with low-level vandalism it
wouldn't be that hard to do...

   If responsible leaders don't take drastic action to
end the strike the forces of chaos and destruction
will! The Devil finds work for idle hands and he is
always open for business.

   Did the labor movement understand what kind of
battle it was getting into? The transit-haters who
control state government love the transit strike. The
anti-urban Republicans think they can force a long
transit trike and get away with it.

   This strike could have been prevented.    

    Ed Fesler    [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Minneapolis



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