I thought this might be of interest to you.

Olin Moore, Office of Congressman Martin Olav Sabo

NEWS from Congressman Sabo
Representing Minnesota's Fifth Congressional District

For Immediate Release

February 27, 2004

Sabo Receives 95% on LCV Scorecard
Washington, D.C. -- Congressman Martin Olav Sabo (DFL-Mpls.) scored 95% on
the League of Conservation Voters' scorecard for the first session of the
108th Congress today reaffirmed his commitment to protecting our
 "All Americans must serve as protectors of our environment.  Whether it's
developing sound policy in Washington, D.C., choosing transit or reducing
wasteful consumption of our natural resources, we all must be good stewards
to preserve our environment for future generations," said Sabo.  "I'm proud
of my 95% LCV score, and I will continue to work hard to protect public
health and the environment."
 "LCV praises Rep. Sabo for standing up for the health and safety of
Minneapolis families by opposing a deeply flawed energy bill and protecting
clean air and clean water standards," said LCV Vice President for Policy
Betsy Loyless.  "He has a outstanding LCV record that his constituents can
be proud of."
 Sabo's score of 95% represents the best LCV score given to a Member of
Congress or Senator from Minnesota.  One other member received 95%, however,
two Minnesota Members only received a 5% LCV score.  For more information
about the LCV and its scorecard, please visit <http://www.lcv.org>.  

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