In a message dated 10/30/01 8:29:53 PM Central Standard Time, PennBroKeith 

<< Subj:    Re: [Mpls] Is Minneapolis Working?(Are Liberals Smirking)
 Date:  10/30/01 8:29:53 PM Central Standard Time
 From:  <A HREF="mailto:PennBroKeith";>PennBroKeith</A>
  Keith Reitman says: Attention all Sayles Belton, Jackie and Joe, 
"Liberals", God loves you but please listen to this MAN. He knows from where 
he is speaking. Take a slow read. R.T. I hope you win, but below is a view 
from the trenches, laid out for your review. This also may be the best 
reasons for NOT electing a former "Safe-crime specialist"!  Keith Reitman, 
Near North
 In a message dated 10/30/01 9:05:34 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 << Subj:    [Mpls] Is Minneapolis Working?
  Date: 10/30/01 9:05:34 AM Central Standard Time
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mel)
  Potpourri of Thoughts and Questions
  By Mel Gregerson
  Call 911 to report a drug dealer and they do not say we will be right over, 
  they ask how many.
  WARNING do not call CCP SAFE about drug dealers!    Their job is "public 
  relations."    Southwest Journal reported that SAFE could only tell good 
  news and were stopped from giving warnings about criminals.
  Does Minneapolis have a war on drugs?    Or a war on landlords who provide 
  affordable housing?
  To err is human, but to blame someone else is politics in Minneapolis.
  A National Apartment Association survey just reported that operating costs 
  on subsidized apartments were $3.46 per sq. ft. compared to only $3.39 per 
  sq. ft. on private apartments.    Why?
  Is it fair that the idle-persons who pay 1/3 of their income to rent, live 
  better than the tax paying serfs who have to subsidize the other 2/3rds?
  Why does Mpls. Public Housing have their own Police Force, which we pay for 
  and can't use?    In addition we risk loss of our rental license if we ask 
  for help from the regular Police Dept., also paid for by us.
  Someone recently had a nice single-family property seized from them at 1215 
  East 21st St. under the drug forfeiture law.    Why hasn't Chicago 
  Crossings shopping center (The Drug Mall of America) been seized?
    Is Mpls. working?    For whom?    Recently a police employee volunteered 
  to act as a decoy and posed as a drunk utilizing an old wheelchair. 
     Within a short time this decoy in a wheelchair had been mugged 6 times! 
     Why is this street disorder allowed to continue?
    CCP SAFE (community crime prevention) continues to blame the buildings 
  abutting the crime scene for any and all disorder.    Why?
  City leaders need to begin using logic before all the responsible persons 
  who think within the zone of reason abandon our beautiful city.
    A good place to start would be to reject all plans that would give 
  taxpayer subsides to developers who displace low and moderate-income 
  families.    We should also reject the so-called "Smart Growth" plans that 
  reduce the present supply of affordable housing.    Light rail is being 
  used as a development tool, so that politically connected developers can 
  make an easy profit which in turn they often share with the elected elite, 
  this allows the
  Elected elite to be reelected and the process is repeated.  (PRT) Personal 
  Rapid Transit is a state of art transportation system consisting of small 
  private elevated Cable cars that float on a cable just above regular 
  vehicle traffic.
     Why is Light Rail being pushed when Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) is:
    CHEAPER,  (PRT) costs less than 9 million dollars per mile to build and 
  costs only 15 cents per mile to operate, compared to light rail which costs 
  40 million dollars per mile and costs 50 cents per passenger mile to 
    FASTER,  maximum wait 3 minutes?.non stop service?no transfers
    BETTER,  operates 24 hours a day?.will not interfere with street traffic,
  Does not require the sacrifice of a traffic lane?.uses less energy, the 
  electrical equivalent of 80 miles to the gallon.
    SAFER,  separated from traffic?.elevated so pedestrians and traffic 
  collide/no need to wait at empty stops/or the need to ride with strangers
    Make up your own mind, vist?.http//
  Just deliver us safe streets and good schools, then development will take 
  place without any tax payer's subsidies.
   COLUMNIST OBSERVATION:?.  We must become far more aggressive and creative 
  in telling our story to the citizens of Minneapolis.

 Keith Reitman says: Attention all Sayles Belton, Jackie and Joe, "Liberals", 
God loves you but please listen to this MAN. He knows from where he is 
speaking. Take a slow read. R.T. I hope you win, but below is a view from the 
trenches, laid out for your review. This also may be the best reasons for NOT 
electing a former "Safe-crime specialist"!  Keith Reitman, Near North

In a message dated 10/30/01 9:05:34 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< Subj:     [Mpls] Is Minneapolis Working?
 Date:  10/30/01 9:05:34 AM Central Standard Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mel)
 Potpourri of Thoughts and Questions
 By Mel Gregerson
 Call 911 to report a drug dealer and they do not say we will be right over, 
 they ask how many.
 WARNING do not call CCP SAFE about drug dealers!    Their job is "public 
 relations."    Southwest Journal reported that SAFE could only tell good 
 news and were stopped from giving warnings about criminals.
 Does Minneapolis have a war on drugs?    Or a war on landlords who provide 
 affordable housing?
 To err is human, but to blame someone else is politics in Minneapolis.
 A National Apartment Association survey just reported that operating costs 
 on subsidized apartments were $3.46 per sq. ft. compared to only $3.39 per 
 sq. ft. on private apartments.    Why?
 Is it fair that the idle-persons who pay 1/3 of their income to rent, live 
 better than the tax paying serfs who have to subsidize the other 2/3rds?
 Why does Mpls. Public Housing have their own Police Force, which we pay for 
 and can't use?    In addition we risk loss of our rental license if we ask 
 for help from the regular Police Dept., also paid for by us.
 Someone recently had a nice single-family property seized from them at 1215 
 East 21st St. under the drug forfeiture law.    Why hasn't Chicago 
 Crossings shopping center (The Drug Mall of America) been seized?
    Is Mpls. working?    For whom?    Recently a police employee volunteered 
 to act as a decoy and posed as a drunk utilizing an old wheelchair. 
    Within a short time this decoy in a wheelchair had been mugged 6 times! 
    Why is this street disorder allowed to continue?
    CCP SAFE (community crime prevention) continues to blame the buildings 
 abutting the crime scene for any and all disorder.    Why?
 City leaders need to begin using logic before all the responsible persons 
 who think within the zone of reason abandon our beautiful city.
    A good place to start would be to reject all plans that would give 
 taxpayer subsides to developers who displace low and moderate-income 
 families.    We should also reject the so-called "Smart Growth" plans that 
 reduce the present supply of affordable housing.    Light rail is being 
 used as a development tool, so that politically connected developers can 
 make an easy profit which in turn they often share with the elected elite, 
 this allows the
 Elected elite to be reelected and the process is repeated.  (PRT) Personal 
 Rapid Transit is a state of art transportation system consisting of small 
 private elevated Cable cars that float on a cable just above regular 
 vehicle traffic.
     Why is Light Rail being pushed when Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) is:
    CHEAPER,  (PRT) costs less than 9 million dollars per mile to build and 
 costs only 15 cents per mile to operate, compared to light rail which costs 
 40 million dollars per mile and costs 50 cents per passenger mile to 
    FASTER,  maximum wait 3 minutes?.non stop service?no transfers
    BETTER,  operates 24 hours a day?.will not interfere with street traffic,
 Does not require the sacrifice of a traffic lane?.uses less energy, the 
 electrical equivalent of 80 miles to the gallon.
    SAFER,  separated from traffic?.elevated so pedestrians and traffic 
 collide/no need to wait at empty stops/or the need to ride with strangers
    Make up your own mind, vist?.http//
 Just deliver us safe streets and good schools, then development will take 
 place without any tax payer's subsidies.
  COLUMNIST OBSERVATION:?.  We must become far more aggressive and creative 
 in telling our story to the citizens of Minneapolis.

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