I recently was informed that the City of Minneapolis will no longer be
emptying public litter cans after Dec 31 2000.  The plan is to depend
upon the commitment of residents to "adopt" the cans for emptying.

I just received a report showing that only less than 25 percent of the
cans in the Whittier neighborhood have been "adopted."  This concerns me
and I have some questions:

1) What will happen to the cans that are not adopted by Dec 31?  Is it
true that they will be removed?  

2) If 75 percent of the public cans are removed - will there ever be a
chance of getting them back if they are adopted later?

3) Who is arranging the adoptions?  How is this effort being promoted?

If 75 percent of our trash cans are removed, our neighborhoods are
likely to resemble landfills.   Thanks for your help and answers to my

David Kortz

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