Corrections and amplifications:

Dean observes:

>Nice post, and Tom Streitz and the King Field and East Harriet folks do
>a pat on the back.  However, I take slight offense to David's shot at those
>us who choose not to send our kids to public School.

No offense meant, Dean. I was taking my shot more at people who WANT to send
their kids to public school, don't do anything to improve the system, and
give up and go private. If you think private is the best place in the first
place, do what you gotta do.

Russell sez:

>Well I have to thank Tom Streitz and Catherine Shreves who both seemed to
>listen to me and others in our open area school district.   But it really
>too late to be of much use to my family.  It is now the middle of the
>holiday season.  We have already toured our schools and entered our two top
>choices. (We've toured, had a re-tour and certified our tours. O.k.,
>probably a bad joke.)  And it is really too late in the game to start
>looking all over at schools again - especially since MPS put a caveat on
>new criteria that says two of the three choices must be community schools.

Sorry, I should have noted that parents in open districts who have already
made their picks in this year's lottery will be contacted and allowed to add
a third choice. That's precisely because the decision was made too late to
add to this year's material. (And yup, should have noted the two-community
school requirement.)

Russ, if you did all that searching, and are in an open district, there must
have been SOME school that came close to being one of your top 2. Now, you
can add it, if you choose.

David Brauer
King Field - Ward 10

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