just a question I want to toss out for people's brains
to work over. it relates to the some of the things
talked about vis a vis the library referendum but has
wider implications for city governance, property taxes

As  i write there is a presentation being made to the
ways and means/budget committee by the GmCVA, that's
greater mpls convention and visitors assn for those of
you unfamiliar with the acronym. I wanted to hear the
presentation but frankly i hate these sorts of things.

anyway, i looked inside the committee room door,
thinking i would venture in, and saw a stack of box
lunches. now the meeting is being held over the lunch
hour rather than at its customary time of 9am. i'm not
quite sure but i suspect that GMCVA wanted to provide
a free lunch in a convivial setting, that is as
convivial as city hall can ever be. see how cynicism,
bred by a steady stream of public relations, has made

this past friday, i attended a meeting of the near
northside development implementation committee. well
over ten minutes of the meeting time was taken up
watching a video compilation of tv news report of the
recent groundbreaking ceremony. now these were all
people i presume were on the guest list and attended
the ceremony to watch jackie c. and ssb turn over
shovelfuls of dirt. my time and theirs i'm sure could
have been spent in better ways than reading their

then dawn hagen from mcda passesd out a piece of full
color fluff and chuck lutz of mcda passed out the
final full color implementation plan. I wondered how
many plans had preceded it. now the plan, like others,
is necessary as a working document but as most of us
have come to understand they are oftentimes more
articles of fiction than fact.

one document is no big thing; multiply it by what
seems an infinite number, looking at the stacks in the
city hall municipal library, and it becomes quite
another thing. then factor in color versus black and
white copier costs... well you can see where i'm going
with this.

We should study issues. we should turn them over and
over and imagine consequences, weigh costs, look
before we leap. all that is valid expenditure. but
then after we have made decisions do we then need
color brochures?

i don't know the answers to all these questions. I see
the efficacy in promotion but so much of what I see is
smoke and mirrors meant to draw attention away from
the reality of the situation which is often that what
has been arrived at is not what it is purported to be
and little more than justification and

Steve Cramer was quoted in the Strib within the last
several months as saying "you can hardly expect us to
know where every dollar goes in these large projects."
That may not be an exact quote but it's damn close,
within a penny or two, certainly not even a dime's
difference. I can tell him where some of the dollars
went. They were handing it out at the meeting I

If it were only a penny, a dollar that would be one
thing. that is only the proverbial tip of the iceberg.
let's talk about $18 million to connect the near
northside with Kenwood Parkway. It would be nice to
have but when we lack for so many other things in the
city we can do without it til a much later date.

I apolgize for the disjointed nature of this ramble.
It's how my mind works.

Oh! the question! do you think there is a lot of
needless fluff generated by city hall aside from the
obvious campaign posturing?

Tim Connolly
Ward 7 

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