I am looking for a way to remove messages from a transmission queue after a period of 
Does anyone have any ideas on how to accomplish this?
We have multiple methods of delivery of data to a remote site. If for some reason the 
from the local MQ to the remote box is down, I want a mechanism whereby the message 
times out,
is removed from the tranmission queue, and returned to the manframe to be delivered 
via the alternate method.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Please see the copy of a message sent to a co-worker describing my attempts so far 

I have tried 3 different methods to implement timeout extraction from a tranmission 
All have failed.

1) Scan the transmission queue and remove entries older than x minutes.

    This sort of worked but there were several problems. MQ inhibits GETs on a 
    queue by default. Even if you enable them, MQ periodically re-inhibits GETS. To 
get around this
    I set up an independent NT Service that once a minute requested GETs to be allowed 
on the transmission
    queue. This worked but is kludgey and after a few days of running would end up 
with some
    MQ resource failure error and stop working requiring manual reboot of the box.

2) Use the Message Retry exit.

    After making the necessary software changes, it was discoverd that MQ does not 
suppport this
    under the Windows environment.

3) Use the MQMD.Expiry parameter to cause the message to expire after a specified 
number of seconds.

    There were several problem with this approach. The check for expiration only 
occurrs during a GET request,
    so a service had to be written to periodically do a non-destructive browse of the 
    As in 1) above, GETs are inhibited by default and get re-inhibited regularly. Plus 
there seems to be a security issue with this.
    A REPORT was requested to be sent to a differnet queue, but every attempt to do so 
resulted in an NT security failure.

Any help/ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Wes Ramsdale
Kleinschmidt Inc

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