Dear All

This is VNReddy working on MQSeries programming for a ASP
application using COM interface.
Here I have some problems of regarding configuring the IIS and

Basically what I am trying to do is, I have a application ,from
which I need to put and get messages from MQ queue over a
ASP(Active Server pages).

I have tried in some of the following ways..but I could't get

1) I have installed IIS and MQ Client on NT server
2) And I have  MQserver on some other machine.
3) Through IBM sample examples I am able put and get messages from
Queue using VBScript,like I     have created the instance for
MQSession Class.
4) Even I have studied the COM interface document for MQseries.

I have the following the doubts regarding configurations

1) DO I need to install Gateway interface on IIS machine
2) Why I am getting errors when I tried to use
Server.createObject(MQAX200.MQSession) on ASP page?
3) Or do I need to write ASP application in a differrent way..

Basically what I am looking is ,What all things I have install on
IIS Server , what conifurations I have to do and In what way I
have to do programming in ASP.? Is there any documents do I need
to offer?

It would be great help If you could suggesst me something.It is
urgent to me in my office..

Expecing your suggesstions...

Thanks in advance..

Best regards

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