Title: FW: Error with CSD7 on AIX

Hi Everyone

We had a very strange problem when applying CSD07 on MQ 5.3 on AIX. After starting the QMGR with the applied maintenance the following errors came up as per the error log. 

Despite these errors, the queue manager was up and the channels started normally.  I could also define, display and delete a test queue.  We believe these errors were caused by the application still being connected to the queue manager when it came down. The channels not coming up were MVS channels and the MVS QMGR was down for an IPL. We are not using clustering and the problem seems to be initially that the repository manager first started up and then abended. All error codes point to 2009 (connection broken.)

The command server was not running and could not be started as the command queue was in use. The problem was that there were some "unix domain socket" which kept on increasing the whole day under the MQ execution controller (amqZxma0). We had to stop and restart the QMGR to resolve this.

Has anyone seen something similar before?

Thank you
Pieter Voges
MQ Support
Nedcor Limited
Tel: (011) 881 4410
Sel: 083 6455 300


The error log looks as follows:

10/24/04  04:09:15
AMQ9542: Queue manager is ending.

The program will end because the queue manager is quiescing.
----- amqrmssa.c : 2094 -------------------------------------------------------
10/24/04  04:09:28
AMQ8004: WebSphere MQ queue manager 'ZANC000.SHREK' ended.

WebSphere MQ queue manager 'ZANC000.SHREK' ended.
10/24/04  04:09:40
AMQ9542: Queue manager is ending.

The program will end because the queue manager is quiescing.
----- amqrmssa.c : 2094 -------------------------------------------------------
10/24/04  04:36:19
AMQ8003: WebSphere MQ queue manager 'ZANC000.SHREK' started.

WebSphere MQ queue manager 'ZANC000.SHREK' started.
10/24/04  04:36:19
AMQ9410: Repository manager started

The repository manager started successfully.
10/24/04  04:36:19
AMQ8024: WebSphere MQ channel initiator started.

The channel initiator for queue SYSTEM.CHANNEL.INITQ has been started.
10/24/04  04:36:19
AMQ9002: Channel 'SHREK.TO.CSQ3' is starting.

Channel 'SHREK.TO.CSQ3' is starting.
10/24/04  04:36:39
AMQ9510: Messages cannot be retrieved from a queue.

The attempt to get messages from queue 'SYSTEM.CLUSTER.COMMAND.QUEUE' on queue
manager 'ZANC000.SHREK' failed with reason code 2009.
If the reason code indicates a conversion problem, for example
MQRC_SOURCE_CCSID_ERROR, remove the message(s) from the queue. Otherwise,
ensure that the required queue is available and operational.
----- amqrrmfa.c : 4434 -------------------------------------------------------
10/24/04  04:36:39
AMQ9447: Unable to backout repository changes.

Following an error, the repository manager tried to backout some updates to the
repository, but was unsuccessful. The repository manager terminates.
If the repository manager subsequently restarts successfully, this message can
be ignored.  If the repository manager does not restart, contact your IBM
support center for assistance.
----- amqrrmfa.c : 32257 ------------------------------------------------------
10/24/04  04:36:39
AMQ9510: Messages cannot be retrieved from a queue.

The attempt to get messages from queue 'SYSTEM.CHANNEL.INITQ' on queue manager
'ZANC000.SHREK' failed with reason code 2009.
If the reason code indicates a conversion problem, for example
MQRC_SOURCE_CCSID_ERROR, remove the message(s) from the queue. Otherwise,
ensure that the required queue is available and operational.
----- amqrimna.c : 873 --------------------------------------------------------
10/24/04  04:36:39
AMQ9510: Messages cannot be retrieved from a queue.

The attempt to get messages from queue 'SYSTEM.CLUSTER.REPOSITORY.QUEUE' on
queue manager 'ZANC000.SHREK' failed with reason code 2009.
If the reason code indicates a conversion problem, for example
MQRC_SOURCE_CCSID_ERROR, remove the message(s) from the queue. Otherwise,
ensure that the required queue is available and operational.
----- amqrfica.c : 404 --------------------------------------------------------
10/24/04  04:36:39
AMQ9411: Repository manager ended normally.

The repository manager ended normally.
10/24/04  04:37:35
AMQ9202: Remote host 'mvsprod1 (xxx.xxx.xxx.x) (1415)' not available, retry

The attempt to allocate a conversation using TCP/IP to host 'mvsprod1
(xxx.xxx.xxx.x) (1415)' was not successful.  However the error may be a
transitory one and it may be possible to successfully allocate a TCP/IP
conversation later.
Try the connection again later. If the failure persists, record the error
values and contact your systems administrator. The return code from TCP/IP is
78 (X'4E'). The reason for the failure may be that this host cannot reach the
destination host. It may also be possible that the listening program at host
'mvsprod1 (xxx.xxx.xxx.x) (1415)' was not running.  If this is the case,
perform the relevant operations to start the TCP/IP listening program, and try
----- amqccita.c : 973 --------------------------------------------------------
10/24/04  04:37:35
AMQ9999: Channel program ended abnormally.

Channel program 'SHREK.TO.CSQ3' ended abnormally.
Look at previous error messages for channel program 'SHREK.TO.CSQ3' in the
error files to determine the cause of the failure.
----- amqrccca.c : 784 --------------------------------------------------------
10/24/04  04:39:11
AMQ8506: Command server MQGET failed with reason code 2009.

An MQGET request by the command server, for the WebSphere MQ queue
SYSTEM.ADMIN.COMMAND.QUEUE, failed with reason code 2009.

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