On 2013-04-11 06:16, Martin Schreiber wrote:
> Looks good, can you post the code somewhere? You work with Lazarus too AFAIK, 
> can you make a a similar thing with Lazarus?

I don't use LCL, only the Lazarus IDE (because MSEide doesn't run on
FreeBSD <wink>).

On a side note:
 I installed the Linux Compatibility Layer under FreeBSD, so now I
should be able to run MSEide (32-bit) again. But I haven't installed a
32-bit Linux FPC yet.

> How is scrolling the 10'000 buttons form? I had to optimize MSEgui children 
> clipping code in order to make the scrolling smooth. fpGUI uses X11 server 
> side clipping AFAIK, how does it behave?

fpGUI doesn't have scrolling form, but I could modify the app to create
the buttons in a scrolling widget. Child clipping normally works well
under fpGUI. If I get some more spare time, I'll modify the 10,000
button demo.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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